Every girl, no matter who she is or what she's like, has the desire in her somewhere to be beautiful. When people think of "beautiful girls," they are usually referring to hot, sexy, Charismatic, gorgeous girls. And every girl sees herself being that girl, even if it isn't today. They know that at one point they will be that girl, and they just find themselves waiting for it.
Most girls cannot handle the idea of being thought of as "ugly." This is an obvious statement, but most girls turn to the wrong resources to reach their goals, such as anorexia, bulimia, and various beauty products that cost them hundreds and hundreds of dollars. But true beauty begins on the inside.
When a girl is beautiful on the inside, that beauty shows through radiantly. It shows on her face and through her body. It makes her smile more beautiful, it makes her eyes bigger and brighter, gives her better posture, and people view her as a happier person. When a girl is happy, that makes other people around her happy. When she talks to people, they won't be able to help but notice there is something about her that is different from other girls. That's because this girl has integrity, grace under fire, credibility, courage, and contentment. She's happy about who she is, yet she cares more about other people than herself. She understands what it means to be happy, and how important it is to make other people happy. These traits are what makes a girl truly beautiful.
Every beautiful girl is genuine. She doesn't fake about who she is to try to get a guys attention. If she does this, she doesn't deserve the guy at all. She needs to be happy about who she is in Christ and holds herself up to a high standard.
Every beautiful girl knows herself. She knows her likes, her dislikes, and she cultivates the uniqueness inside of her. She knows what to stay away from, she knows what makes her happy, and she doesn't let other people's opinions change her self image.
Every beautiful girl takes care of herself. Far too many girls today don't take the initiative to make herself look clean, elegant, and presentable to others. But that's more than soap and water and makeup...nutrients and healthy foods play a huge role in this category. They make the skin look brighter and cleaner and more beautiful. And what girl doesn't want to feel great all the time?
So we know about the special things that makes a girl beautiful on the inside. But I never said anything about the outside. God made girls beautiful. The first woman was the most beautiful. But we, as girls, are expected to take care of ourselves on the outside as well. This is were makeup comes into the picture. Makeup should be used to elevate natural beauty. I will do some natural beauty tutorials for makeup that will make every girl beautiful on the outside.
If you, as a girl, avoid negative energy, stop critizing yourself, accept your flaws, and follow your passion, you will be viewed as a beautiful woman by your friends, but what's more, God! God make every girl beautiful, even you. Maybe your not attracting the guy you want because your not beautiful enough. Well, maybe that guy isn't for you...maybe he just focasing on the outside. You don't want a guy like that. Outside beauty won't mean anything 30 years. You don't want a guy that focuses only on how sexy you are all the time. To him your just another girl...no matter what he may say. But true beauty, that you can't find in most girls in this day, comes from the heart, and the right kind of guy will be attracted to that, and you will be surprised at how genuine he makes you feel. Mine makes me feel like a princess, and hopefully yours will too :)
If you have any questions, please contact me through twitter (pureNRGprincess) or email (buishannah@yahoo.com). Love you all,
(P.S. Every single one of you is beautiful!)