Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Top 2011 Fall Nail Polishes

Touring America 
This collection is very unique because each of the shades was inspired by some the most loved American cities. Some of the cities include: Tucson, Louis, Seattle, Philadelphia, New York City, New Orleans, Milwaukee, Memphis, Jackson, Hollywood, Baltimore and Clarksdale! These colors are so pretty and really have that fall inspiration. 

So my favorite brand of nail polish is, in general, Essie. But those are about
 eight dollars each, and sometimes that just seems way to pricey. But the 
reason I love them so much because they are super easy to apply and they 
really, truly, have a beautiful shine. If you are looking for some new nail 
polishes for fall, its pretty simple to find them...just look for deep colors or 
colors that give you that fall feeling. I'm in love with a few of the new colors
 that came out with Essie.

This first one is "Very Structured" and it reminds me of autumn and leaves and
 trees in the fall time. It looks really brown in the picture but it has a really
 nice orange/pink glow.
This next one is called "Carry On." Its kind of a deep purplish..and it gives you
 that wonderful fall feeling.

I know I said that Essie and OPI nail polishes are kind of expensive...but you
 can always go and find similar colors in other brands, such as Wet n Wild, L.A.
 Colors, Sally Hansen, and Revlon. 

Monday, June 20, 2011

How to Become Beautiful

Every girl, no matter who she is or what she's like, has the desire in her somewhere to be beautiful. When people think of "beautiful girls," they are usually referring to hot, sexy,  Charismatic, gorgeous girls. And every girl sees herself being that girl, even if it isn't today. They know that at one point they will be that girl, and they just find themselves waiting for it.  
Most girls cannot handle the idea of being thought of as "ugly." This is an obvious statement, but most girls turn to the wrong resources to reach their goals, such as anorexia, bulimia, and various beauty products that cost them hundreds and hundreds of dollars. But true beauty begins on the inside.
When a girl is beautiful on the inside, that beauty shows through radiantly. It shows on her face and through her body. It makes her smile more beautiful, it makes her eyes bigger and brighter, gives her better posture, and people view her as a happier person. When a girl is happy, that makes other people around her happy. When she talks to people, they won't be able to help but notice there is something about her that is different from other girls. That's because this girl has integrity, grace under fire, credibility, courage, and contentment. She's happy about who she is, yet she cares more about other people than herself. She understands what it means to be happy, and how important it is to make other people happy. These traits are what makes a girl truly beautiful. 
Every beautiful girl is genuine.  She doesn't fake about who she is to try to get a guys attention. If she does this, she doesn't deserve the guy at all. She needs to be happy about who she is in Christ and holds herself up to a high standard. 
Every beautiful girl knows herself. She knows her likes, her dislikes, and she cultivates the uniqueness inside of her. She knows what to stay away from, she knows what makes her happy, and she doesn't let other people's opinions change her self image.
Every beautiful girl takes care of herself. Far too many girls today don't take the initiative to make herself look clean, elegant, and presentable to others. But that's more than soap and water and makeup...nutrients and healthy foods play a huge role in this category. They make the skin look brighter and cleaner and more beautiful. And what girl doesn't want to feel great all the time?
So we know about the special things that makes a girl beautiful on the inside. But I never said anything about the outside. God made girls beautiful. The first woman was the most beautiful. But we, as girls, are expected to take care of ourselves on the outside as well. This is were makeup comes into the picture. Makeup should be used to elevate natural beauty. I will do some natural beauty tutorials for makeup that will make every girl beautiful on the outside.
If you, as a girl, avoid negative energy, stop critizing yourself, accept your flaws, and follow your passion, you will be viewed as a beautiful woman by your friends, but what's more, God! God make every girl beautiful, even you. Maybe your not attracting the guy you want because your not beautiful enough. Well, maybe that guy isn't for you...maybe he just focasing on the outside. You don't want a guy like that. Outside beauty won't mean anything 30 years. You don't want a guy that focuses only on how sexy you are all the time. To him your just another girl...no matter what he may say. But true beauty, that you can't find in most girls in this day, comes from the heart, and the right kind of guy will be attracted to that, and you will be surprised  at how genuine he makes you feel. Mine makes me feel like a princess, and hopefully yours will too :)

If you have any questions, please contact me through twitter (pureNRGprincess) or email (buishannah@yahoo.com). Love you all,


(P.S. Every single one of you is beautiful!)

Thursday, June 2, 2011

My "Diet" Plan For Summer

Most of you know that I'm not a girl that is considered "overweight." Frankly, I just wanna feel better about my health and size, and I don't think there is anything wrong with loosing a little and feeling better about yourself. So here is my weekly diet plan:

Sunday: Free to eat pretty much whatever, except try to limit sugar and carb intake.
Monday: Protein/fruit breakfast, skip lunch, veggies only for dinner
Tuesday: Protein/fruit breakfast, veggie lunch, skip dinner
Wednesday: Smoothie breakfast, meat lunch, light dinner with dessert
Thursday: Anything breakfast, no lunch, small dinner with lots of veggies.
Friday: Protein breakfast, small lunch, no dinner
Saturday: FREE!

Every other day I exercise for at least 30 minutes doing crunches and pushups and running!


Thursday, May 26, 2011

My Beauty Wishlist

I can't help it! Every now and then I will come across something that I really, really want. Here are just a few:

The first thing is the Laura Mercier  liquid foundation. I've heard a lot of reviews about this foundation for numerous people and they all say it is worth the $42 at Sephora. Although I would love to have this foundation, my face isn't problematic and I don't have a job. So it would be very hard and odd to get this foundation now, though I would love to try it out to see how I like it. 

The next product is the Peace, Love, Juicy Couture perfume for women.  Guys, this perfume is the best thing (next to PINK) that I have ever smelled in my how life! And when I prayed some on my hand at my friend's house, I found that even after I showered when I got home, AND did the dishes, the smell was still there! I was so impressed with it that I jumped online, determine to buy it. But I was heavily dissapointed to see that it is only $87. Oh well, maybe I'll marry somebody really nice who will buy it for me.

The next one is kind of random, but it's the VS Naughty Kiss Lip Gloss in Tingling Mint. Okay, this gloss tastes like heaven. But that's only part of it. It makes your lips look incredible. I think I'd be worth it for $15.

The next is the Chi 44 Iron Guard spray. Right now I am using the Tressemme Heat Protection Spray. Frankly, the one I am using just isn't doing it's job. It is about $5 compared to this one that I want, which is about $12 - $15. 

That's all that I have on my wishlist for today, but who knows? It could change in the next five minutes! TTYL


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Victoria's Secret PINK Perfume Review

I LOVE this perfume. The first one that I tried was when I was at my friend's house and she sprayed it and I melted to the floor. I don't have a one "flavour" that I like the best (or scent, if you will.) All I know is that this perfume really sticks with you all day, and you can spray it on your clothes and in your hair! :) It's wonderful and it's not that expensive. New in stores I think it's around $15. They sell it on the Victoria's Secret website in the beauty department. It is also sold at beauty supply shops, including Bath and Body Works!  So while your out shopping, be sure to pick a bottle (and maybe gel and lotion) while your out! TTYL


Monday, May 23, 2011

Beauty Survey!

Here is a completely random beauty survey, and I tag each and every one of you that reads it! Enjoy :)

Who's style do u like? Audrey hepburn, Gwenth Paltrow, Jenifer Aniston, or Gwen Stefani? I honestly don't care for any of them. Audrey Hepburn's is too old fashioned, Gweneth Paltrow's is pretty good, but a little on the edge, Jenifer Aniston's is too...you know, and Gwen Stefani's is creative, but out of all I would go with Gweneth's.
When your alarm goes off, do u: jump out of bed, hit the snooze, cry? Sometimes I scream into my pillow with the little energy that I have in the morning, then I just turn off the alarm completely. I hate getting up in the morning.
Which of the following is essetial? lipstick, eyeliner, foundation, or mascara? They are all essential, but the most essential would definately be mascara, because it can be used in place of eyeliner, and most people don't really need foundation and lipstick.
What is your most essential hair styling tool? blowdryer, flat iron, curling iron, velcro rollers? Probably my straightener, because you can also use it to blow dry your hair and also curl it!
How many times have u changed your hair color this year? Once, to red, but it didn't last.
How long does it take u to put your makeup on in the morning? If I'm just going to church, then about 12 minutes. But if I'm going out, then about 30.
Where do u buy your face wash? Either online or a CVS.
Your handwriting is.....Depends! If I'm feeling scholarly then it's very elegant, but if I'm in a rush then its kinda spaced and crooked.
What's your signature scent? Victoria's Secret PINK
What type of manicure do u prefer? I like french, but I prefer a neutral pink.
Your grandmother gave u a hideous sweater. do u wear it? Of course!
What do u look for when u go shopping? Some clothes that will pass both mine and my mother's flesh inspections, anything pink, purple, or green, sparkly high heeled shoes, long dresses, floral blouses and skirts, gold neclaces, SALES! 
This summer u couldn't stop listening to?.... Uhmm hello? Taylor Swift?
Which reality t.v. show could u kick butt on? The Waltons or Little House On the Prarie. No, wait, Hannah Montana. NO! Extreme Makeover Home Edition. I'd make a great designer!
What do you think to yourself when you see an ugly girl? Every girl is beautiful. It's not on the outside what counts, but on the inside!

Do u brush your teeth in the shower? No I prefer in the sink.

What beauty icon would u love to meet? Blair Fowler or Miranda Kerr
Would u ever leave the house with a stain or rip in your clothes? Depends!

Sneakers are for?.....
Running, walking, playin, basketball, sports, etc...

How would u describe your beauty? I don't want to sound prideful. I believe that every girl should be able to liberally describe the features that makes her beautiful. It's what God gave to every woman. I like my hair, the unique color. I like my eyes, even without makeup. But inside beauty is what matters. I believe that I have some unique qualities on the inside. I'm very maternal and I care alot about other people. God gave every girl beauty and it shouldn't be taken advantage of.

What types of guys do you search for when your in the mall? I don't search for guys. Guys can find me. I don't even notice guys when I walk through the mall, (unless they have their jeans pulled down to their knees, then I call them a ghetto idiot) but even if guys try to win me over, I say I'm taken and I'm not their type :) I don't need another heartbreak.

What are your favorite baby names?? Alexis, Caroline, Alyvia, Leslie, Emma, Rebekah, Eric, Isabelle, Bethany, Brently, Ella, Hailey, Quinn, Hayden, Anna, Brett, Chase, Ryan, Nolan, Daniel, Harper, Julia, Ashton, Taylor, Oliver, Sarah, Emily, Cara, Mark, Mandy, Melany, Elizabeth, Trenton, Payton, Gwen, Juliet.

A cute guy asks you on a date to the beach. What do you say? I'm too cool for you :D

Friday, May 20, 2011

Want to Have PERFECT Skin This Summer?

It's obvious that every girl wants perfect skin. But its even more important during the summer time of the year because we like to go to beach parties or out on the beach, etc. Therefore its very urgent that we have smooth, beautiful skin. Here are some easy tips on getting that clean skin.

1. Eat healthy! During summer, we tend to take advantage of the weather and eat whatever we want, thinking we'll just loose it all somehow. That may be true, but junk food is so harmful to your skin! It can make your skin look dry and dull and even wrinkled. Instead, eat a bowl of fruit on the beach or a salad instead of a burger at a party. You will notice dramatic changes very fast, and, you will feel incredible! It's so worth it! Of course, as women, we all have our times when we need to have chocolate now. Or is that just me? Well chocolate is actually good for you (escpecially dark chocolate!). It's good to get a little bit of chocolate into your diet everyday, but not too much. The anti-oxidant properties in cocoa actually could prevent free radicals from damaging the skin’s elastin, collagen and other proteins, so go to the store and feel great about buying chocolate! 

2. Be gentle with your skin. Treat it lightly. God gave you your skin and expects you to take proper care of it! Don't rub so hard when exfoliating, and dab the towel on your face instead of rubbing. Limit your bath time! Steam baths have therapeutic benefits. They are good for blood circulation and can cleanse and rejuvenate the skin through heavy perspiration.  They are good for easing muscle tension and promoting feelings of relaxation. But hot water and long showers or baths remove oils from your skin. Limit your bath or shower time, and use warm water instead of hot water. Also, avoid strong soaps, because they can remove healthy oils from your skin.  Use a mild soap with less sulfates instead. It's a good idea to put lotion or some kind of moisturizer on your skin after showering. BE CAREFUL when you shave. Remember how your mommy taught you years and years ago. The more careful you are, the better the shave and the less nicks there will be. Then after shaving, hop out of the shower and apply baby oil. Ahh, so amazing :) 

3. Manage your stress level. It's been proved that the more stressed out you are, the more pimples and rashes, etc, you end up with. Spend some time doing yoga or just taking a small break from life and walking or exercising. Or even talk to somebody about your problems. It will benefit your outside body and also your heart.

4. CHUG DOWN that water! I still drink eight to ten glasses a day! It will improve your skin dramatically, and not to mention make you feel amazing!
Skin is intricately tied to the overall health of your body. When your body is properly hydrated, you'll look better and feel better. You'll also have plenty of energy and bright, pretty eyes.

5. Protect your skin from the sun. Obviously, it's probably pretty important to you to get a nice natural tan, but don't overly expose your self. Too much tanning won't end well. Your skin might look dry and rugged after a little while. Keep your skin natural and beautiful by protecting it with sunscreen or a towel.

I hope you all enjoyed reading this! Put all of these tips together and you'll have beautiful skin this year that your friends will comment on. If  you have any questions tweet me (purenrgprincess) or email me (buishannah@yahoo.com) Love you all!
